Wednesday, June 19, 2013

4 Generations

My mom and grandma are a very big part of my life. I was so excited for our 4 generations session. Claire Louise had a long nap that morning so she was extra happy for the session. I've decided to try and use her middle name when I talk to her so that it carries on. Her middle name is Louise and so is mine. My mom's first name is Lou and her mother, my grandma all the way on the left, is named Louise. So, we all in one way or another have the name Louise. I'm not sure if Grandma was named after someone or not. I'll have to ask her next time I see her.

We all decided to wear our boots to add a little flare to our session:) Towards the end of the session, when we were showing off our boots on the brick ledge Claire started to get a bit tired. We all started to sing to her. She was in awe that we all knew the lyrics to "Bushel and a Peck" and "Playmate." I grew up listening to my mom and grandma sing those songs and now she gets to enjoy them too. Claire especially loved feeding Root Beer at the end of the session.

Here are some of my favorites.