Saturday, June 11, 2011


Hunter had the sweetest smile and great sparkly eyes...well, I added some sparkle to them, but it helps when you have something beautiful to work with in the first place! He did such a wonderful job for being just shy of 2 years old. He was especially interested in the little waterfall he came across. 2 year olds seem to LOVE when they find water. He put his hands in a few times and looked closely for fish. His absolute favorite thing to do during the shoot was to play with the blue balloon I brought along. Children love balloons! I must say I think they are pretty cool myself. I may need to schedule a "balloon" theme shoot sometime in the future. Anyway, Hunter chased the balloon, tossed it, caught it and...watched it blow away. Dad tried to save it, but the wind was just too quick that day.  I loved shooting this darling little boy. Again, I had a really hard time deciding which were my favorites!

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