Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Those who are hardest to love...need it the most"

What a great photo and saying! A little love can go such a long way for those having a bad day. I am a strong believer in creating our own happiness and having a positive attitude, but I also know that sometimes it's not that easy. Sometimes, people don't know how great they truly are and it's important to let them know that they are loved and can succeed in whatever it is that they want to do. It amazes me how what we say and do on a daily basis can strongly effect people, whether it is positive or negative.

 I ran into a lady several months ago at a wedding I was shooting. I hadn't seen her in years. In fact, the last time I had seen her was in one of my yoga classes. It was one of the first classes I had instructed, which made it about 5+ years ago. We talked a bit and she was just as kind as I had remembered. She told me she was still practicing on her own and that she would never forget what I had said to her the first day she came into my yoga class. She said "I was nervous joining your already established class and after the class you came to me and said "I saw you moving through the poses and you are a natural. You did fabulous."" And, she was a natural, moving fluidly and peacefully through the poses. I was amazed that she had stored away my one little comment from 5+ years ago. The one little comment had stuck with her and effected her in a very positive way. Whether we know it or not, we have a huge effect on one another. Next time you have the chance, effect someone in a positive way. It can be as simply as a smile or a hug.

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